Thursday, July 3, 2014

PMLC: Execution



The purpose of the Project Management Life Cycle (PMLC) Execution phase is to perform work defined in Planning phase; manage obstacles, changes and risks; and ensure implementation is ready to proceed. Both Business and Technology must be ready to launch.

Entry Criteria

  • Business Case/ Integrated Project Plan Approved
  • Resources as committed
  • Clarity entry updated to reflect Execution phase
  • Financial Projection Template (FPT) uploaded to Clarity


The artifacts listed are required for Tiers 1 - 4, unless stated otherwise.
Note: All forms and templates maintained by the EPMO Methodology Team are linked under the first column called Artifact Name. All other artifacts are linked to the respective area of the Intranet under the last column called Support. Artifacts with associated Guidelines, Job Aids, and/or Process Maps have a "Supporting Material" link to the PMLC Tools & Training page, indicated in their Artifact Name column.
Readiness Self-Assessment 
Assesses the readiness of your Functional Working Group (FWG) by reviewing completion criteria, current status, outstanding risks and mitigations. Includes instruction for completing the Readiness Self-Assessment Template and how to run a Readiness session.
Completed by each work group executing on the Project.
(Reference last updated September 26, 2013) 

Readiness Presentation Package 
Is a presentation deck based on the Readiness Self-Assessment. Ensures that the 90 day Assessment Report is completed, either in the Planning or Execution phase, depending on the duration of the project.
Completed by the Project Manager.

Change Plan
Helps plan activities to drive adoption and sustainment of the change. Leverages outputs from the Change Strategy, Change Complexity Assessment and Stakeholder Impact Assessment.
Completed by the Line of Business Change Management Champions(s).

Business Readiness Assessment
Conduct a Business Readiness session 30 to 90 days prior to implementation to assess whether impacted employees, business groups and operations are ready to receive the change.

Include a report on Business Readiness in Project Readiness discussions and presentations.

Financial Projection Template (FPT)

Calculates the costs, benefits and Shareholder Value Added (SVA) of an initiative and provides consistency for project evaluation at the enterprise level.
Completed by the Project Manager.
For modification requests or support for the template, contact Corporate Decision Support (CDS) for assistance:



Activities with associated Guidelines, Job Aids, and/or Process Maps have a "Supporting Material" link to the PMLC Tools & Training page, indicated in their Activity Name column.
Ensure Entry Criteria is Met
Ensure that the Business Case / Integrated Project Plan is approved, resources are committed, Clarity is updated to reflect the Execution phase, and the Financial Projection Template (FPT) is uploaded to Clarity.
Project Manager Works with Project Team to Execute Plan
Complete activities (training documents, code development, job aids, etc.) as per Project Schedule.
Manage Change

Business Project Owners, Project Team Leads or the Project Sponsor completes the Project Change Request Form to submit change requests as required.
The Project Manager completes and maintains the Project Change Request Log.
The Project Manager, Business Project Owner and Project Sponsor provide sign-off to further evaluate or approve the change.
Update the Financial Projection for changes that materially impact the financial costs or benefits and upload the revised Financial Projection Template (FPT) to Clarity.
Complete Business Readiness Assessment
Conduct a Business Readiness session 30 to 90 days prior to implementation to assess whether impacted employees, business groups and operations are ready to receive the change.
Include a report on Business Readiness in Project Readiness discussions and presentations.
This document can be found in the Organizational Change Management section of the EPMO & EES Intranet.
Complete Project Readiness Assessment
The Business Owner ensures that the 90 day Assessment Report – a continuation of readiness that began in the Initiation phase (i.e., the Impact Assessment) – is completed either in the Planning or Execution phase, depending on the duration of the project.
Complete Project Go/No-Go Assessment
Assess the completion and quality of all artifacts required for the project. Assess final Business Readiness to ensure the business is also ready.
The Project Sponsor makes the final "Go/No-Go" decision based on this assessment.
Engage Technology as Required
Engage Technology as Required. Speak with your Technology Lead/ Project Manager (PM) or see Enterprise Integrated Delivery Methods (EiDM) for more details.


Artifacts clearly demonstrate that the project is being executed within controlled parameters.
Approval at Gate 3 means the stakeholders believe the project will implement successfully.
  • Update Clarity Data

Exit Criteria

  • Launch approved and executed
  • Warranty provided
  • Gating checklist

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