Thursday, February 7, 2008

Windows Vista - Intermittent mouse/cursor misalignment

Symptom 1: sometime when hovering the mouse cursor over a box that I wanted to click and nothing would happen. Not only would it not "click," the box wouldn't even highlight. then I had to place the arrowhead (sometimes) about 1/4 inch higher than the spot I wanted to click. Then, for no apparent reason, the arrowhead's mathematical position would become synched with it's visual position and it would come back into alignment with the check boxes and dialog boxes and such.

Symptom 2: when resizing a windows, I move the mouse cursor to the border, at this moment, the mouse cursor consistantly jumping the position back and forth. after using vista for 1 week I am able to resize the windows size anyway but it still give me a lot of trouble.

Solution: download the lastest driver from web site for the Raedon ATI 2400 video card, after install the new driver (system shows driver date 12/20/07, version 8.451.0.0, ALL WORKS.

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