Saturday, February 2, 2008

Installing SQL Server 2005 on Vista

Here is the on the internet on how to install SQL Server 2005 on Vista, following by my notes:

I sent this to our local user group when I installed Vista Ultimate on my new laptop a few months ago. Yesterday, I did a quick search to see if this information was readily available and found that it still was not (at least not in one place), so I decided to post it here. I hope it helps!

· You must install SQL Server 2005 SP2. I was able to successfully install RTM, then followed by SP2, but an attendee at our last user group meeting had no such luck. One of our local Microsofties mentioned there is an SQL install that combines the core install of SQL with SP2.

· OWC 11 component install fails. This has a domino effect on the installation of most of the other SQL components. You know, the important ones, like database services, SSIS, SSAS and SSRS. The newsgroup solution was to uninstall OWC 11 through Add/Remove Programs. This solution worked for me, as well.

· IIS is required for Reporting Services. Nothing new here, but the configuration of IIS was not as simple as I recall it on XP. Be sure the following options are selected (Start --> Control Panel --> Programs and Features --> Turn Windows features on or off):
o Web management tools
§ IIS 6 Management Compatibility
· IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
· IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility
o World Wide Web Services
§ Application Development Features
· ISAPI Extensions
· ISAPI Filters
§ Common Http Features
· Default Document
· Directory Browsing
· HTTP Redirection
· Static Content
§ Security
· Windows Authentication

· You must install Visual Studio SP1, then another patch for Vista. I initially tried installing the patch for Vista first but it wanted SP1. I was unable to run BIDS until I installed these. Here are the download files (available for download at
o VS80sp1-KB926601-X86-ENU (VS SP1)
o VS80sp1-KB932232-X86-ENU (patch for Vista)

There was mention of having to turn off UAC at one of our user group meetings. I did not have this issue. During the install, I was asked if I wanted to be added to the sysadmin role during the SQL SP2 setup, because Builtin\Administrators is not automatically added to sysadmin like it used to be.

  • Might need to download newer version of SQL Server 2005
  • Refer to previous post on how to uninstall SQL Server 2005 on vista machine

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