Tuesday, October 3, 2017

VS 2013 debugger IIS Server Variable AUTH_USER blank

VS 2012 project, using asp.net development debugger shows AUTH_USER alias. VS 2013 project site, server variable AUTH_USER is blank. VS 2012 had simple Use VS Dev. server, auto-assign port. VS 2013 New options, completely new stuff. Where are the step by step instructions on what needs to be setup or configured to get this functionality back.

VS2012: If I change the setting: Properties->Web->Servers
to : Use Visual Studio Development Server
It will show that variable value
VS2013: It doesn't have the option"Use Visual Studio Development Server"
You could refer to this thread.
According to this feedback, we have removed the Visual Studio Development Server from Visual Studio 2013, switching instead to IIS Express as the default development server.

In Visual Studio use File -> Open to edit %userprofile%\documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config.

the file in my computer is: C:\Users\Redirection\yous2\Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config.
Change the following lines to these values:


IIS Express should now use the same authentication settings as those that came standard with the Visual Studio 2012 Development Server.

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