Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Install DNN on godaddy.com

the following is for installing DotNetNuke manually on Godaddy share hosting as of 2007-08-22
  • This instruction is for DotNetNuke 4.3.7
  • try version 4.4.1, I got error during installation even thought I can still access the web site after installation
  • try version 4.5.5, Cannot even install this build. from web, somebody complaint similar problem.

Here is the detail procedure for install on godaddy.com server
  • .NET Framework 2.0 must be installed
  • SQL Server 2000 or 2005, create database 'mydatabase'
  • Modify web.config, set the connection string in TWO places, comment "Connection String for SQL Server 2005 Express" part, uncomment "Connection String for SQL Server 2000/2005" part,set correct connection string
  • using FTP tools to create new folder "dnn".
  • Create virtual folder, go to godaddy.com's control panel, go to "Content"/"Directory Management", click "Create directory", enter name "dnn", set flag "Read"/"Web"/"Browse"/"Write"/"Set Root", then click continue. (wait about half an hour)
  • upload everything to "dnn" folder
  • browse to "http://www.mydomain/dnn/
  • select default "Typical"/"English", hit "Continue"
  • click "Test Permissions", then click "Continue"
  • click "Next" to start the installation procedure
Upgrade DNN 4.3.7 to 4.4.1 on godaddy's windows hosting account
  • make sure you always backup your files/database before upgrading to a new version
  • unzip the code over top of your existing application ( using the Overwrite and Use Folder Names options )
  • rename release.config -> web.config
  • merge any localized settings from your old web.config to the new web.config. These typically include:
    - connection strings ( SiteSqlServer )
    - machine keys ( validationKey and decryptionKey ) (if not changed, the password of user "host"/"admin" will be change to something unknown)
    - objectQualifier
  • browse to localhost/DotNetNuke in your web browser
  • the application will automatically upgrade to version 4.4.1
Upgrade DNN 4.4.1 to 4.5.5 on godaddy's windows hosting account
  • same procedure as upgrading from 4.3.7 to 4.4.1

SMTP Server Settings:
  • SMTP Server: smtpout.secureserver.net
  • SMTP Authentication: Basic
  • SMTP Username: xyz@mydomain.com
  • SMTP Password: the password

To install 4.5.5 in the local machine is fine, here is how
  • the {Server}/NetworkService user account must have Read, Write, and Change Control of the root website directory and subdirectories ( this allows the application to create files/folders )
  • the [SERVER]\ASPNET User Account must have Read, Write, and Change Control of the virtual root of your website.
  • browse to localhost/DotNetNuke in your web browser
  • the application will automatically execute the necessary database scripts and provide feedback in the browser


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