How Does ADO Behave with Respect to Transactions
By default ADO operates in AutoCommit mode, unless you start a implicit transaction by executing Connection.BeginTrans.Implicit_transactions begin a transaction on the server for each statement, and commits do not occur until they are manually issued.
set implicit_transactions on
Without implicit transaction, which by default is the behavior of ADO (Auto Commit mode), the following is (conceptually) occurring:
begin tran
commit tran
begin tran
commit tran
- Create a new standard .exe Visual Basic project. Add two command buttons to Form1, the default form.
Command1.Caption : Use ADO Transactions Command2.Caption : Use T-SQL Transactions
- Go to the references and add the following reference:
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library
- The code below uses the stores table of the Pubs database. Make sure you set the database properly in your connectstring.
- Paste the following lines into the Code window for Form1:
Note You must change the User IDvalue and the password = value to the correct values before you run this code. Make sure that User ID has the appropriate permissions to perform this operation on the database. Option Explicit Dim Cn As New ADODB.Connection Dim Cmd As New ADODB.Command Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub Command1_Click() Cn.Execute "Delete from stores where stor_id LIKE '1%'" Cn.BeginTrans Cn.Execute "set implicit_transactions off" Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores(stor_id, _ stor_name,stor_address,city)" & _ "VALUES(101,'Store One','123 Oak St.','Seattle')" Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores(stor_id, _ stor_name,stor_address,city)" & _ "VALUES(102,'Store Two','123 Main St.','Tacoma')" Cn.RollbackTrans With rst .ActiveConnection = Cn .CursorType = adOpenStatic .Source = "select * from stores where stor_id LIKE '10%'" .Open End With MsgBox rst.RecordCount rst.Close End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Cn.Execute "Delete from stores where stor_id LIKE '1%'" Cn.Execute "BEGIN TRANSACTION" Cn.Execute "set implicit_transactions off" Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, _ stor_name,stor_address,city)" & _ "VALUES(101,'Store One','123 Oak St.','Seattle')" Cn.Execute "Insert INTO Stores (stor_id, _ stor_name,stor_address,city)" & _ "VALUES(102,'Store Two','123 Main St.','Tacoma')" Cn.Execute "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION" With rst .ActiveConnection = Cn .CursorType = adOpenStatic .Source = "select * from stores where stor_id LIKE '10%'" .Open End With MsgBox rst.RecordCount rst.Close End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim strConn As String strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;User ID=
;Password=;Data" & _ "Source=(local);database=pubs" Cn.Open strConn Cn.CursorLocation = adUseClient Command1.Caption = "Use ADO Transactions" Command2.Caption = "Use T-SQL Transactions" End Sub - Click on Command1. You will get a RecordCount of 2.
- Click on Command2. You will get a RecordCount of 0.
Reason for the Difference in Results
With ADO Connection.BeginTrans will not increment @@TranCount until any of the following statements are encountered:FETCH ALTER TABLE DELETE INSERT CREATE OPEN GRANT REVOKE DROP TRUNCATE TABLE SELECT UPDATEWhen this option (set implicit_transactions on) is turned on and if there are no outstanding transactions, every ANSI SQL statement will automatically start a transaction. If there is an open transaction, no new transaction will be started. This transaction has to be explicitly committed by the user by using the command COMMIT TRANSACTION for the changes to take affect and the locks to be released.
Whereas executing Cn.Execute "BEGIN TRANSACTION" starts an explicit transaction and @@TranCount is immediately incremented by 1.
In the above Visual Basic code for the procedure Command1_Click() the @@TranCount remains at 0 and the Rollback has no effect because before executing the first insert, you revert back to Auto Commit mode by issuing Cn.Execute "set implicit_transactions off."
Whereas in the Visual Basic code for procedure Command2_Click(), the @@TranCount is immediately incremented to 1 when you issue Cn.Execute "BEGIN TRANSACTION; hence, the subsequent RollBack works.
The SQL Server 6.5 Trace utility is very useful for observing the Transaction commands this sample issues.
177138 INFO: Nested Transactions Not Available in ODBC/OLE DB/ADO
Article ID: 198024 - Last Review: 10/31/2003 06:41:17 - Revision: 2.0
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server 7.0, Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 1.5, Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0, Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1, Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5, Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.6, Microsoft ODBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server 3.7
- kbcode kbdatabase kbinfo KB198024