Thursday, August 11, 2016

ASP.NET: 401 unauthorized access is denied due to invalid credentials

Solution 1: (this will end up with @User.Identity.IsAuthenticated be empty string)
  • In IIS, select the website you're having the issue with.
  • In the IIS section, select 'Authentication'.
  • Right click on Anonymous Authentication and select 'Edit'
  • Check the 'Specified User' radio button and click on 'Set'
  • I entered my username, password and password confirmation and click ok.

ASP.NET: Identity not using Windows NT

Things to check
1) what is set in the web.config, windows authentication?
 mode="Windows" />

impersonate="false" />
2) Is anonymous access in IIS disabled? (enable Windows Authentication)
3) Try HttpConext.Current.User instead of Thread.CurrentPrincipal

ASP.NET: Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\MACHINENAME$'


Root cause: web application is using the account which doesn't have access to connect to SQL server


  1. add "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE" as SQL Server login, allow it to access the database (in the "User Mapping", assign the db_owner role for the corresponding databases)
  2. in IIS, create a custom application pool which is using "NetworkService" as Identity (make sure to use Integrated pipeline). then change the web application to use this pool