Friday, July 31, 2015




  • 伤残津贴
  • 遗属养恤金,包括:
  o 一次支付的死亡抚恤金;
  o 向已经去世的供款人的配偶或同居伴侣按月支付遗属养恤金,
  o 向已经去世的加拿大退休金计划供款人的受抚养子女按月支付子女抚养费。

  • 符合某些要求的加拿大退休金计划供款人及其子女。供款人必须由于严重且长期持续的伤残而不能从事任何正常工作。

  • 如果已经去世的供款人向加拿大退休金计划缴纳供款的时间长度达到最低期限,其配偶、同居伴侣、子女则可领取遗属养恤金,或将该福利金归入其财产。

  (1) 曾经在加拿大工作及供过退休金供款
  (2) 年龄在65岁或以上


  (1) 选择在65岁领取退休金的人士可在65岁生日后的一个月开始领取退休金。领取的金额是你的供款年期平均每月供款收入的25%。你不必在开始领取退休金后便停止工作,只是不再需要供款给加拿大退休金计划。退休金金额是会每年按生活指数而调整的。

  (2) 选择在60岁至64岁间领取退休金的人士,所得的退休金金额会少过选择在65岁时应领取退休金的数目,每早一个月则少领0.5%。举例来说,在65岁应得 100%退休金,但如果在60岁时退休,即在65岁前60个月退休并领取退休金,金额会每早一个月少0.5%,提早60个月则一共少了30%,所得的金额只有65岁时领取的70%。又举例如果在63岁时退休并申请退休金,即在65岁前提早24个月领取,便会少12%,所得的金额是65岁时领取的88%。选择提早领取退休金的金额是不会在65岁时自动调整回65岁退休时应得的数目,但你领取的年期已比在65岁时领取较长。另外,选择在60至64岁之间领取退休金,在领取这个月及上个月底前,必定要完全或大部份时间停止受雇或自雇工作。同样,当开始领取退休金后,就不需要再供款给加拿大退休金计划。而每年随着生活指数的改变,退休金的数目亦会作出适当的调整。

  (3) 选择在65岁至70岁之间领取退休金的人士,所得的退休金金额是会比在65岁时领取的应得数目为多,而每迟一个月则多0.5%。举例来说,在65岁时领取退休金应得100%,但如延到67岁才领取,即在65岁后24个月,每迟一个月可多领0.5%,24个月则多了12%,所得的金额是65岁时领取的 112%。又举例如果在70岁才领取退休金的话,即65岁后的60个月,金额便比65岁时领取多出30%。选择在65岁之后领取退休金的人士是不用停止工作,一旦开始领取退休金,是不用再供款给加拿大退休金计划。同样所得的金额是会按生活指数而调整的。退休金最迟于70岁时申请,如你在70岁之后才申请,金额是会与70岁时申请一样。因为任何人士过了70岁后,不论是否已领取退休金或继续工作,也不能再继续供款给加拿大退休金计划。)








  认可理财规划师Heather Freed,负责在人们从团体保险过渡至个人保险期间提供协助。她表示,一个家庭每月的保健和牙医保险费,约为250至350元,个人的保险费则平均为125至175元,两者皆未包括人寿和残疾保险。




Monday, July 27, 2015

Enabling ASP.Net MVC client validation for Kendo UI components

You might have stumbled upon this page because you are getting crazy in trying out all sort of solutions to make the client validation work for your Kendo components such as DropDownListForDatePickerForComboBoxFor, etc. You might have tried several suggestions you saw online like setting the validator defaults in your JavaScript like the samples below
    ignore: ""
       $.validator.defaults.ignore = "";
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
        var form = $('#yourFormName');'validator').settings.ignore = ''// default is ":hidden".
Some even offer not equating it to empty string but use an empty array
Do they all look similar?
Don't worry I tried them all as well but no luck and if you are using Unobtrusive validation I am not sure those solutions will not work.
Lets say you have a simple form like this.
01 Form
All you want to do is show that red outline when it’s validating like the one shown by the red arrows. But look at those other components shown by the blue arrows they are not validating.
02 Form
Whats the difference? they are all Kendo UI objects and since it’s a Kendo UI object we can use their validators so we don’t need to recreate whats already in there.
Lets just get some parts on my codes to properly demonstrate this.
First you need to properly set your DataAnnotation attributes. So for the viewModel in that example it will look like this
public class RegisterPageViewModel
    [DisplayName("First Name")]
    public string FirstName { getset; }

    [DisplayName("Last Name")]
    public string LastName { getset; }

    [DisplayName("Company Email")]
    public string CompanyEmail { getset; }

    [DisplayName("Date of Birth")]
    public DateTime? BirthDate { getset; }

    [DisplayName("First Secret Question")]
    public int SecretQuestion1Id { getset; }

    public IList<SelectListItem> SecretQuestion1IdList { getset; }

    [DisplayName("Answer to First Secret Question")]
    public string SecretQuestionAnswer1 { getset; }

    [DisplayName("Second Secret Question")]
    public int SecretQuestion2Id { getset; }

    public IList<SelectListItem> SecretQuestion2IdList { getset; }

    [DisplayName("Answer to Second Secret Question")]
    public string SecretQuestionAnswer2 { getset; }

    public int TrustedDomainId { getset; }

    public IList<SelectListItem> TrustedDomain { getset; }

Then on your view it looks like this
@model ExternalUserManagement.Web.Mvc.Controllers.ViewModels.Register.RegisterPageViewModel
    ViewBag.Title = "Register";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
<div id="accountDetails" class="centre-container">
    @using (Ajax.BeginForm("CreateAccount""Register",
        new AjaxOptions
            UpdateTargetId = "accountDetails",
            OnBegin = "windowHelper.displayWaitingDialog('Saving Registration Details, please wait...')",
            OnComplete = "windowHelper.close()"
        <p class="message information">Register you details, then click submit.</p>

        <div class="row">
            @Html.LabelFor(m => m.FirstName, new { @class = "label" })
            @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.FirstName, new { @class = "input k-textbox" })
        <div class="row">
            @Html.LabelFor(m => m.LastName, new { @class = "label" })
            @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.LastName, new { @class = "input k-textbox" })

        <div class="row">
            @Html.LabelFor(m => m.CompanyEmail, new { @class = "label" })
            @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.CompanyEmail, new { @class = "input-left k-textbox" })
            @(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m.TrustedDomainId)
                      .OptionLabel(" -- Please Select --")
                      .HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "input-right" })
        <div class="row">
            @Html.LabelFor(m => m.BirthDate, new { @class = "label" })
            @Html.Kendo().DatePickerFor(m => m.BirthDate).HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "input" })
        <div class="row">
            @Html.LabelFor(m => m.SecretQuestion1Id, new { @class = "label" })
            @(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m.SecretQuestion1Id)
                      .OptionLabel(" -- Please Select --")
                      .HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "input" })
        <div class="row">
            @Html.LabelFor(m => m.SecretQuestionAnswer1, new { @class = "label" })
            @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.SecretQuestionAnswer1, new { @class = "input k-textbox" })
        <div class="row">
            @Html.LabelFor(m => m.SecretQuestion2Id, new { @class = "label" })
            @(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m.SecretQuestion2Id)
                      .OptionLabel(" -- Please Select --")
                      .HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "input" }).AutoBind(true)
        <div class="row">
            @Html.LabelFor(m => m.SecretQuestionAnswer2, new { @class = "label" })
            @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.SecretQuestionAnswer2, new { @class = "input k-textbox" })
        <div class="captcha row">
            @Html.Label("Are you a human?"new { @class = "label" })
            <br />
            @Html.ValidationMessage("Invalid Characters")
        <div class="row">
            <div class="commands">
                <button class="k-button" type="submit" title="Sumbit">
                    <img src="@Url.Content("~/Content/Images/Icons/disk.png")" alt="" />
So if you’re not using Kendo UI components it would work normally but you are, that’s why you are reading this.  So the solution is simple.
Just add this
    $(function () {
and it would all start to magically validate like this.  Anyways if you found any other solution other than this, I guess you need to change it as this is directly using Kendo’s validation functions and is documented here.
03 Working
You do not even need a ValidationMessageFor.  But if you really need to you can add them like this without any side effects :)
@(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m.TrustedDomainId)
            .OptionLabel(" -- Please Select --")
            .HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "input-right" })
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.TrustedDomainId)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Handling authentication-specific issues for AJAX-calls

For modern web-applications has become the usual to use AJAX when you create user interfaces. However, it makes our headache from time to time. And often these difficulties are associated with authentication and processing such requests on the client.


For modern web-applications has become the usual to use AJAX when you create user interfaces. However, it makes our headache from time to time. And often these difficulties are associated with authentication and processing such requests on the client.

The problem

Imagine, that you have some web-application which communicates with server by using jQuery and JSON.
Server side:
public ActionResult GetData()
 return Json(new
  Items = new[]
   "Li Chen",
   "Abdullah Khamir",
   "Mark Schrenberg",
   "Katy Sullivan",
   "Erico Gantomaro",
Client side:
var $list = $("#list");
var $status = $("#status");

 .always(function() {
 .success(function(data) {
  for (var i = 0; i < data.Items.length; i++) {
  • "
  • ).text(data.Items[i])); } });
    That is pretty simple. Let’s add a simple authentication to our web-application. And again it is a pretty simple – just use Forms Authentication and Authorize attribute from ASP.NET MVC. The controller’ code will change as:
    public ActionResult GetData()
     return Json(new
      Items = new[]
       "Li Chen",
       "Abdullah Khamir",
       "Mark Schrenberg",
       "Katy Sullivan",
       "Erico Gantomaro",
    Still have no problems. Once user authenticated in application, he able to see the page and can retreive a data. However, there is a some problem when authentication timeout expired. In this case server will send to user…HTTP 302 Found.
    HTTP 302 Found
    Obviously, that the client code in our case did not expect this and as a result application will not work properly.


    Before we will fix the code, let’s understand what happens. Why server send HTTP 302? That would be logical to assume that there must be a HTTP 401. The point is that when we use FormsAuthentication at backstage acts FormsAuthenticationModule (which registered in global web.config file by default). Look under the hood of the module, you can easily understand that if the current code for HTTP is 401, then it performs a redirect, i.e. replaces it on 302:
    It is easy to guess that the purpose is to redirect a user to the login page, if the request is not processed successfully (status code is 401). In this case, the user will see the good login form, but not the IIS error code. Makes sense, doesn't it?
    From the point of view of our ASP.NET MVC application a pipeline is something like this:
    1. A request comes in to the application, where faced a filter AuthorizeAttribute.
    2. Because of the user is not authenticated, then this filter will return the HTTP 401, which is logical (see this easily enough by using reflector and check implementation of this filter).
    3. Well, after that our FormsAuthenticationModule acts and replaces HTTP 401 with redirect.
    As a result – when we trying to request a page with usual HTTP-request we will see login page (which is good), but when we use AJAX-calls, there is too hard to parse such answers (which is bad).

    The solution

    So, what we need to solve the problem –
    1. Server should return HTTP 401/403 for AJAX-calls and HTTP 302 for usual HTTP-calls.
    2. To handle HTTP 401/403 on a client-side.
    To be honest, you can override FormsAuthenticationModule logic to don’t replace HTTP 401 request with 302. To do it you can use SuppressFormsAuthenticationRedirect propery:
    The only question is when to modify this property and who will do it?
    Before answering this question, let’s turn our attention to how client should handle cases with HTTP-errors. There is two ways –
    1. The user is not authenticated in application (401). In this case we should redirect him to a login page.
    2. The user is authenticated in application, but have no enough permissions to access to the resource (403). For example, user not in role, which is necessary for current HTTP-request. In this case it is too silly to redirect him to a login page. The more preferred way is to say him that he is not have a necessary permissions.
    Thus we should handle both cases. Let’s take a look on AuthorizeAttribute once again.
    …i.e. he will always send HTTP 401.
    Not good. Therefore we should fix a bit this behavior. So, let’s get started.
    First – let’s determine whether current HTTP-request is AJAX-request. If yes, we should disable replacing HTTP 401 with HTTP 302:
    public class ApplicationAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
     protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
      var httpContext = filterContext.HttpContext;
      var request = httpContext.Request;
      var response = httpContext.Response;
      if (request.IsAjaxRequest())
       response.SuppressFormsAuthenticationRedirect = true;
    Second – let’s add a condition:: if user authenticated, then we will send HTTP 403; and HTTP 401 otherwise.
    public class ApplicationAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
     protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
      var httpContext = filterContext.HttpContext;
      var request = httpContext.Request;
      var response = httpContext.Response;
      var user = httpContext.User;
      if (request.IsAjaxRequest())
       if (user.Identity.IsAuthenticated == false)
        response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;
        response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden;
       response.SuppressFormsAuthenticationRedirect = true;
    Well done. Now we should replace all usings of standard AuthorizeAttribute with this new filter. It may be not applicable for sime guys, who is aesthete of code. But I don’t know any other way. If you have, let’s go to comments, please.
    The last, what we should to do – to add HTTP 401/403 handling on a client-side. We can use ajaxError at jQuery to avoid code duplication:
    $(document).ajaxError(function (e, xhr) {
     if (xhr.status == 401)
      window.location = "/Account/Login";
     else if (xhr.status == 403)
      alert("You have no enough permissions to request this resource.");
    The result –
    • If user is not authenticated, then he will be redirected to a login page after any AJAX-call.
    • If user is authenticated, but have no enough permissions, then he will see user-friendly erorr message.
    • If user is authenticated and have enough permissions, the there is no any errors and HTTP-request will be proceeded as ususal.
    The only disadvantage is necessity to use ApplicationAuthorizeAttribute instead of standard AuthorizeAttribute. So, if you have some code which uses AuthorizeAttribute, then you should fix it.
    Sources placed on github.


    This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)