Friday, March 27, 2009

OSC probing alleged US$60M Ponzi scheme

Barbara Shecter, Financial Post Published: Thursday, March 26, 2009

Signage on glass wall panels adjacent to  OSC reception area on the 17th floor of 20 Queen St. West in Toronto.Peter Redman/National PostSignage on glass wall panels adjacent to OSC reception area on the 17th floor of 20 Queen St. West in Toronto.

The Ontario Securities Commission is probing an alleged US$60-million Ponzi scheme in which a man nicknamed the "Chinese Warren Buffett" is alleged to have paid purported profits by raising money from fresh investments.

The regulator alleges Weizhen Tang was the "operating mind" of the scheme that had promised to pay investors weekly profits of 1% through investments in stocks, options, futures, and mutual funds through stock markets in the United States, China and Hong Kong.

Among the allegations contained in documents filed by the OSC to obtain a freeze on Tang's Oversea Chinese Fund LP, the commission said that "on the evidence presently available it would appear that almost all of the funds have been dissipated."

In an affidavit filed with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Toronto, senior OSC investigator Jeffrey Thomson says Mr. Tang admitted to regulators that he lost US$15-million last year, which he did not report to investors, all of which made minimum investments of US$150,000.

The documents further allege that one investor was provided a "fabricated" statement indicating a balance of more than US$1-million, which was in reality "an estimate of what was promised to this investor for his investment in Oversea."

Hugh Lissaman, Mr. Tang's lawyer, said his client "is co-operating fully" with regulators and to date there have been no charges of fraud laid.

"My understanding is that the OSC has issued various cease-trade orders and that an investigation is pending," said Mr. Lissaman in an e-mail.

Mr. Thomson, the OSC investigator, said in his affidavit that during a March 12 interview at the commission's offices Mr. Tang "stated that the balances set out in account statements ... are the amounts promised by Oversea, not the true balances."

According to the documents, the OSC investigation began in February, but the commission began receiving word of complaints from clients this month that they were unable to get their money out of the fund.

A hearing at the Ontario Securities Commission is set for April 1 in Toronto.

In a separate matter, the OSC will hold a hearing June 5 to consider imposing sanctions on Andrew Keith Lech, who was sentenced to six years in prison after pleading guilty in 2007 to operating "a Ponzi scheme of enormous proportions."

"In short, Lech admitted to having accepted millions of dollars from investors on the basis of a promise he would invest it on their behalf, guarantee the return of the capital and provide extremely high rates of return," the OSC said in an amended statement of allegations made public Thursday.

The regulator is seeking a stock trading ban and other possible sanctions including prohibiting Lech from acting as an officer or director of a public company or fund manager.

A forensic audit showed that more than 95% of the nearly $46-million in Canadian and U.S. funds Lech accepted from investors between 2001 and 2003 was never invested.

'Chinese Warren Buffett' probed over Ponzi allegations

OSC says Weizhen Tang admitted losing US$15M last year

Barbara Shecter, Financial Post, with files from Jim Middlemiss Published: Friday, March 27, 2009

The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) is probing an alleged US$60-million Ponzi scheme in which a man nicknamed the "Chinese Warren Buffett" is alleged to have paid purported profits by raising money from fresh investments.

The regulator alleges Weizhen Tang was the "operating mind" of the scheme that had promised to pay investors weekly profits of 1% through investments in stocks, options, futures and mutual funds through stock markets in the United States, China and Hong Kong.

Among the allegations contained in documents filed by the OSC to obtain a freeze on Tang's Oversea Chinese Fund LP, the commission said that "on the evidence presently available it would appear that almost all of the funds have been dissipated."

In an affidavit filed with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Toronto, Jeffrey Thomson, senior OSC investigator, says Mr. Tang admitted to regulators that he lost US$15-million last year, which he did not report to investors, all of which made minimum investments of US$150,000.

The documents further allege that one investor was provided a "fabricated" statement indicating a balance of more than US$1-million, which was in reality "an estimate of what was promised to this investor for his investment in Oversea."

Hugh Lissaman, Mr. Tang's lawyer, said his client "is cooperating fully" with regulators and "to date there have been no charges of fraud laid.

"My understanding is that the OSC has issued various cease-trade orders and that an investigation is pending," said Mr. Lissaman in an e-mail.

Mr. Thomson, the OSC investigator, said in his affidavit that during a March 12 interview at the commission's offices Mr. Tang "stated that the balances set out in account statements ... are the amounts promised by Oversea, not the true balances."

According to the documents, the OSC investigation began in February, but the commission began receiving word of complaints from clients this month that they were unable to get their money out of the fund.

A hearing at the Ontario Securities Commission is set for April 1 in Toronto.

In a separate matter, the OSC will hold a hearing June 5 to consider imposing sanctions on Andrew Keith Lech, who was sentenced to six years in prison after pleading guilty in 2007 to operating "a Ponzi scheme of enormous proportions."

"In short, Mr. Lech admitted to having accepted millions of dollars from investors on the basis of a promise he would invest it on their behalf, guarantee the return of the capital and provide extremely high rates of return," the OSC said in an amended statement of allegations made public yesterday.

The regulator is seeking a stock trading ban and other possible sanctions including prohibiting Mr. Lech from acting as an officer or director of a public company or fund manager.

A forensic audit showed that more than 95% of the nearly $46-million in Canadian and U. S. funds Mr. Lech accepted from investors between 2001 and 2003 was never invested.


加拿大英文媒体“商业新闻网络电视台”(Business News Network)今天报道了安省证监会调查唐炜臻及其海外华人合伙基金的新闻,称如果证据确凿,唐炜臻案件将成为加拿大金额最大的庞氏骗局。

英文媒体《NATIONAL POST》也报道了这一新闻,并称唐炜臻的代表律师Hugh Lissaman说,唐炜臻正在积极配合证监会的调查,到目前为止,没有任何针对唐炜臻涉及诈骗的指控。






唐炜臻不久前公开了他的“告全体投资人书”之四,据唐炜臻说,这是一个连续的故事,还有之五将出炉。唐在“告全体投资人书”之四中说:“一个犯了错误的 人,一个因为种种原因失去了信誉的人,要再站起来是多么地艰难!由于我不能及时偿还你们的投资款,给你们造成了莫大的痛苦……..现在,我要告诉您:我已 在行动!我要用最有效的行动,来减轻或消除您的痛苦。


唐炜臻在”告投资人书“中还表示,“我坚信,’马失前蹄‘与’阴谋失败‘是有着本质区别的。它的区别,就在于事后的行动。从2月27日以后,我就诚实面对 大家,不躲、不赖。在几乎所有人(包括投资人)都反对的情况下,发布了《唐炜臻告全体投资人书》,坦然面对社会。技术性的融投资失误与主观故意的骗其钱财 是完全不一样的。我只是现在暂时还不了您的投资,并不等于我今后还不了。我甚至在亏损的情况下,仍按盈利的状态认账,我连本带利全认账,一定还。”

唐炜臻最后感叹道:“可我怎么就成了骗子?我也感到困惑!”,他还表示,他并不怕面对司法,只是怕影响到他归还其他投资人资金的计划。在“告全体投资人书 ”之四中,唐炜臻甚至放出豪言壮语:“在不出两个月,一个新的唐炜臻一定会倔强地站起来!您一定会收到我的第一笔还款!到时,是鼓励的掌声还是愤怒的谴 责。全社会都会作证。”


然而,面对唐炜臻的这番“真情告白”,他的一个客户立即发出了强烈质疑。这位不愿透露姓名的客户将其撰写的驳斥文章在加拿大各大中文论坛张贴,并发送至本 网编辑部。他在这篇标题为《揭露华人巴菲特唐炜臻金融诈骗及庞氏骗局真相》(以下简称“真相”)的文章中,列举了为唐的数条罪状,直指唐炜臻为“骗子”。


这位客户在“真相”一文中表示,“据唐炜臻自己供认,自从2006年开始,他的所有投资根本就没有赢利,,2007年也是完全亏损, 在接下来的08年,他基本没有进行任何交易。……唐炜臻隐瞒事实真相,每天坚持向投资客户提供虚假的投资回报,从2006年到今天为止不断吸引新的投资人 进入他制作的骗局中……唐炜臻自己供认,很多新投资客户的资金一进入帐户就被当作本金和利润分给了其他的投资客户。”这位客户因此质疑道:“比照庞氏骗 局,请问唐先生自己如何定义这种行为?”

在“真相”一文中,还指称“唐炜臻并没有从事管理他人投资、提供理财建议的合法执照”,以及公司“管理混乱、账目糊涂”,个人“营私舞弊,贪污公款”,甚 至指责唐炜臻态度恶劣,厚颜无耻, 毫无同情心。总之,在这位客户眼中,唐炜臻毫无信任可言,是一个彻头彻尾的“骗子”。


但是,如果将这篇“真相”文章仅仅理解为这位客户因唐炜臻给其带来投资损失而发出的不满和愤怒,就不全面了。“真相”一文中的这段话可能道出了这篇文章出 台的真正原因:“更为可悲的是,部分损失惨重的投资合伙人,在面对如此巨大的损失的时候,不知所措,竟然又被唐炜臻迷惑,认为唐炜臻依然有着赚钱的本领, 依然愿意为大家挽回损失,再次力挺唐炜臻,宁可采用对安省证监会请愿施压的办法,想要保住唐炜臻,希望他留在外面继续操盘赚钱。”


这位客户在文章中说,“在客户会的当场,有1999年的老客户指出:当年也有这样的一次会议,也是唐炜臻将大家的钱亏没有了,请求大家再给他一个机 会,有客户相信了他,没有取走投资,继续支持他。” 他因此呼吁:“那些一心希望唐炜臻翻盘并或明或暗还在帮助唐的合伙人客户,你们的心情可以理解,但是做法太不明智。在唐炜臻自己承认欺骗的情况下,知情不 报只能使自己在法律上丧失受害者的权利,沦落到同谋的境地。……现在,投资合伙人可以做的就是和政府和司法机关合作,彻底清查帐户,追讨隐瞒资金,在此基 础上尽力挽回损失。投资人已经错在了轻信酿成了巨大的损失,切不可再次让这千万美元换来的教训付之东流,正义无法声张。”

一位网名为“出离愤怒”的网友在枫下论坛的贴子也从侧面证实了挺唐的声音似乎不小。在他这篇讲述自己作为唐炜臻客户的经历的帖子中,“出离愤怒”说,“现 在不是没人想报案,是因为客户中保唐派很多,各种原因都有。4月1号老唐的证监会聆听会,竟有90多个客户联合签名,要支持老唐恢复操盘。”

此后,本网记者也采访了一个支持唐炜臻继续操盘的客户。他说自己在唐炜臻处投资了15万元,这钱中一小部分是自己的积蓄,大部分是远在国内的亲戚委托他做 的投资。他说自己心里挺矛盾的,出了这样的事是做梦也想不到的,当初就是因为听了一个朋友的介绍才进去的。他说就算这是一个骗局,但报警的结果只是警方查 封唐炜臻的公司账户,“他人进去了,我们的钱也就没一点希望了,只是出了口气,对事情并没有帮助。”,他表示,如果唐炜臻肯面对现实,跟大家商量解决办 法,他自己又主动筹集资金,没准真能帮大家把本翻过来。“死马当作活马医,总比啥也没有强吧?”客户的这句话,恐怕代表了部分“挺唐者”的心声。











Sunday, March 8, 2009

How to uninstall MS SQL Server 2005 manually

STEP 1: Make sure you have you have ‘Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files component’ installed in the server.

Open ‘Add/Remove Programs’ and check whether Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files component is listed there, if it’s there you can proceed to Step 2.

Otherwise, you will have to install it from the MS SQL Server 2005 installation media.
STEP 2: Run “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\ARPWrapper.exe” /Remove - in the command prompt.

This will evoke the MS SQL Uninstall program and uninstall all the MS SQL server components one by one.

STEP 3: Now it’s time to uninstall the support components.

Unistall them in the order specified below:

- MSXML 6.0 Parser
- Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility
- Anything else that is related to SQL Server 2005, except for the Microsoft SQL Server Native Client component and for the Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files component.